Today’s article addresses the discomfort of stress-related physical problems. After reading this, you’ll have some helpful ideas for coping and calming.
The Problem with Stress I believe stress makes anything more difficult. Things may be humming along, and then – boom! – you’re coping with unplanned extra challenges. And there are so many kinds of stress! There are the relatively minor but frustrating and annoying hassles of everyday life, like flat tires and broken appliances. Even good things can be stressful, like weddings and moving to a new home. But you know there’s another kind of stress: the burden that comes from loss and unwelcome change. We often talk about our thoughts and feelings as we go through the hardest times of life; we discuss how challenging it is to navigate these periods. But since everyone handles stress differently, each person’s experience may be very different. But we don’t often talk about what happens when the body’s fight-flight-freeze response gets activated and leads to physical problems. While the response is there to protect us from harmful situations, like an attacking saber-tooth tiger, it can also be triggered during times of intense anguish, heartbreak, and adversity. Stress vs. Anxiety What’s the difference between stress and anxiety? Stress in a response to an external threat in the environment that is hard to cope with. Anxiety is a reaction to that stress; it includes the worries and fears about the stress. They are very closely related and stress can trigger anxiety, which is why the symptoms and coping strategies are so similar. Common Physical Difficulties that May Relate to Stress:
Again, since everyone experiences stress differently, the physical symptoms may vary as well. They may be vague or may seem like those caused by certain medical conditions. **It’s very important to talk with your doctor if you’re unsure what’s causing your symptoms.** Rule out medical conditions before trying the following tips. 12 Coping Tips
Stress is a depleting experience, so anything you do that replenishes can help you feel better. For my Personal Replenisher Checklist, click here. Now you have specific strategies for dealing with stress, especially when the symptoms are physical. Please comment below If there are additional methods that work for you so others can benefit too. Wishing you peace and healing, Ruth Read The 4 Facets of Grief Visit my Website Schedule an Appointment Click here to join the email list!
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December 2020